The adoption of Plan4Learning was like turning on a light switch for our CIP process. The software is a huge improvement over what we were using before, and it’s far beyond anything else I looked at when searching for a better system.
The website is always speedy, the interface is easy to use, and the web designers have worked really hard to ensure that you don’t have to spend forever clicking around to move between screens or programs. It’s the best website I work on, across all of my projects. I wish other programmers had put as much thought into their products.
The creators behind Plan4Learning aren’t just pro web designers; they are experts in the field who stay on top of state and federal regulations better than almost anyone I’ve worked with, including district and ESC folks. It’s because they did what we do for a long time – they are educators first, and they’re serious about staying in touch with policy and implementation. The second there’s a new regulation out from TEA, there’s an adjustment in the program to ensure that we know about it, and we’ve got it covered. That is a huge relief to me, coming at it from the Federal Programs side.
It’s so much easier to monitor through the Plan4Learning site than it was before - the home screen quick view, the many printing options, the audit log, the user list (and the different ways to sort it). Those features I use multiple times a day. It’s worth it.

Courtney Hart, Ph.D.
Federal Programs Director, Lewisville ISD